Online Personal Training

Lose fat forever, supercharge your energy and feel 10 years younger. Make your high school buddies crazy jealous when you take your shirt off during a beach volleyball game at your next reunion. 

You’re a pretty happy guy, successful in your career and family life, but a bit frustrated at the extra pounds and lack of energy. Where did the muscle tone go? And what happened to the athlete you used to be? 

After all, you’re a winner in life. But when it comes to winning in health and fitness, now, not so much. You used to be able to pretty much eat anything you wanted because you were so active, now, not so much.

You want to look and feel like you did 10-15 years ago.

You want to get rid of your man boobs or tummy and look right on the beach. You want to lose 10 pounds or more and keep the weight off forever. You want to feel lean, strong, and powerful and make a great first impression. But the fitness world is a tough one to navigate.

It's NOT Your Fault And Help Is On The Way!

Stop wasting time on fad diets and training gimmicks from a 22-year-old Instagram trainers too busy admiring their biceps to come up with a custom program, something that will produce lasting results for you, even with your busy schedule and family responsibilities.

Dustin Pelate personal trainer maryville illinoisI am Dustin Pelate, a certified personal trainer with 10 years of experience in helping people just like you lose fat, add muscle, and supercharge your energy. I have over 8,000 training sessions under my belt, along with a degree in human nutrition, research experience in obesity. 

And so I continue to refine my skills to stay on the cutting edge of what really works and to get my clients the best results. I started training at a local chain gym in 2008. 

During that time, I trained hundreds of clients in one-on-one sessions. Many of them would end up getting great results, but some did not.

But why? Looking back, I think there were two main reasons.

First, I had to get beyond the no pain, no gain mentality so beloved by my high school coaches. I also needed to come up a nutrition game so I went back to school for a four year degree. 

Now, I focus mostly on getting life-changing fitness and nutrition results for my favorite group of clients, adults in their 40s and 50s, committed to being the best versions of themselves. 

But don’t take my word for it, just ask Josh. 

"I have lost 5% of my body weight and inches on body parts. My cardio stamina is higher and my body core strength is stronger.

I would recommend Dustin as he is encouraging while not being too overpowering. I needed to be held accountable and guided. He caters to an older crowd."

Or ask Dan who lost over 17 lbs in just 21 days!

Dan lost 17 lbs maryville fitness

Balance is everything and a little common sense goes a long way.

You will balance a healthy lifestyle with the things you enjoy, lose the annoying belly fat that won’t even let you tuck your shirt in, stop wondering what should I train today. 

You’ll know exactly what to do when you hit the gym, rediscover the strong pain-free body you deserve. 

No more program hopping, no more info overload, no more taking advice from clueless 24-year-old trainers who live at the gym because they have no life, no money. Instead, all you’ll need to do is pull up your custom workout on your personalized app and execute. I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Everything you need to know about your coaching program

Your program will be handcrafted and built around you. You will get assessed and reassessed. No guessing games with this training program. Whether you’re looking for a smaller waist, getting rid of the man boobs, or just more energy and stamina, I’ll draw up a plan of action to make it happen.

Your custom diet will help you build long-term habits to get and keep your new body. You won’t have a plan that consumes your life, rather, one flexible enough so that you can enjoy the occasional lazy Sunday watching football with your buddies. I’ll hold you accountable.

It’s one thing to have a custom plan, but the process of executing the program is a whole other animal. Your workouts will be as simple as possible yet as in depth as needed so you can train and build your best body no matter what the circumstances.

Time is your most precious resource

With you being as busy as you are, do you really have time to waste on another incomplete program that isn’t customized to your hectic life and your unique body type? 

If the answer is no, then it’s time to take action. 

You can either continue on the path you’re going and look in the mirror each morning wondering what if, or you can fill out the application below right now and change your future. We’ll hop on a short call to make sure we’re a match. Then I’ll create your custom program so you can start seeing results in the mirror by next week.

Let’s hop on a half-hour call to see if we have a match.

It might just be the most important call of your life. Apply now.

Maryville Fitness Trent D happy client personal training
greg lost 22 lbs Happy Client Maryville Fitness Personal Training
Maryville Fitness Todd B happy client personal training
Chad H Happy Client Maryville Fitness Personal Trainer